Our office remains OPEN as we are an essential healthcare provider


Which Fish Oil Is Best

December 29, 2012

You may have heard that one of the important supplements that should be a part of your daily routine is a fish oil. Fish oil contains Omega 3 fats. Fat being a vital component to what a human body...

Have a Joyful Winter

December 23, 2012

Luckily enough we live in Florida where winter is much kinder to us than our friends and family in the north. Seasonal depression commonly occurs in many people when days gets shorter and...

For A Healthier Thanksgiving

November 18, 2012

This time of year brings us together to spend time with our family and usually means eating lots of delicious heavy food. This year try to focus more on the family and lighten up your recipes....

Advice To Live To 100

November 11, 2012

These are simple steps to help you live to the age of 100 and beyond. The first thing to do is stop sitting around. Studies have shown that sitting for long hours is unhealthy for even people of...

Chiropractic Myths...

November 5, 2012

Its hurts. -It is actually quite pleasant. Most people feel much better the moment their spine has been adjusted. When your spine is not aligned properly, that can produce a great deal of pain...

When Do I Use Ice Or Heat

October 28, 2012

There is often many questions about which therapy should one should use after an injury, ice or heat? Directly after an injury ice should be applied on a frequent...

Spinal Hygiene

October 22, 2012

When we think of hygiene our first thought is toward outward appearance, this is our personal hygiene. Hygiene refers to practices to preserve ones health. When we combine this with the spine we...

Proper Rest

September 17, 2012

Ever heard the term burning the candle at both ends? Do you feel as if your sleep patterns are way off from what they once were? You may notice your ability to function during the day has gone...

We're Getting Sicker

August 6, 2012

New studies are showing that 20% of middle aged Americans and nearly half of all people 65 and over have more than one chronic condition. These numbers indicated that we're are becoming more...

Olympians Using Chiropractic!

August 6, 2012

Even world class athletes benefit from spinal adjustments. Imagine what it could do for you.....


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